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I’m always down for a conversation. Let’s talk.

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Where Are You From?

I have lived in Houston, TX for over 14 years. Before that, the wife and I lived in West Virginia. I don’t suggest ever moving there. But that’s just my opinion…we did not have a good experience. Drank a lot of beer though! Prior to WV we lived in Phoenix AZ for 4 years.

Originally the wife and I are from Missouri. She’s from Kansas City and I’m from St. Louis. We met in college in Springfield (Spring Vegas) MO.

How Long Have You Been A Maker?

I’ve always created things. For a long time I wanted to be a writer. Might still follow through with that at some point.

But, I used to build out of utility. Need a workbench? I’ll slap one together. The wife doesn’t like the patio table? OK, I’ll build one that she likes better. However, it never occurred to me to share my love of making with everyone else. I didn’t realize that I have a wealth of knowledge that I could share with others. That I could teach others the joy of working with their hands.

Build Dad Build was established in 2017. Originally called Build It Burn It, I changed the name because I want to bring the kids into the shop with me once they are a little older.
